Tá sé dóite ina ~, it is burnt to a cinder. ~ a chur ar phíopa, to light a pipe with an ember. Ag breith ~ ar an ngaoth, going faster than the wind. ~ reatha, (short) sprint, run (as at a jump). Tá an-~ eatarthu, they are a big distance apart. Tá ~ aoise eatarthu, there is a difference in their ages. Caith ~ leis, take time at it, don't rush it. Ní raibh aon ~ agam ar an leabhar a léamh, I hadn't time, leisure, to read the book.

Má bhíonn (aon) ~ agat air, if you have time to spare for it. Bhí a chroí agus a ~nna ag rith ar a chéile, he was labouring from exertion, with excitement. Thug sé na haenna leis, he escaped with his life. Tá dúil na n-~ aige ann, he is passionately fond of it. ~ a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a fuss of s.o. Lit: Device, contrivance composition, poem. ~ a bhaint as caint, a dhéanamh de chaint, to make sense out of what is said to draw a conclusion from what is said. ~ a thógáil de dhuine, to find an excuse for s.o., save s.o. ~ a leagan ar dhuine, to beat, chastise, s.o. Soitheach, bosca, bróg, adhmaid, wooden vessel, box, shoe. (Var: adhaltraíocht f, adhaltras)Īdharcán 1, m. (Var: adhaltraí m, adhaltranach)Īdhaltrach 2, a1. Tá an roth ag ~t ar a fhearsaid, the wheel is grating on its axle.

Ná h~ fearg, troid, don't stir up anger, a fight. of 3: achomair 2 f, achomaire f)Īchrannach, a1. Cá mhéad ~ sa Phaidir? How many petitions are there in the Lord's Prayer? (Var: achaine f, pl. Gan iarraidh gan ~, without any inducement. Páistí ag ~, children playing mischievously. (As vn.) Ag ~ le rudaí, tinkering with things. Cuir uait an ~, stop playing like a child. You are here Our Research > Past Research Projects Enhanced POS Tagging for NCI Corpus of Irish: Clibeáil an Chorpais Malairt Focail ins An Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla (Ó Dónaill, 1977, An Gúm)Ībartha, a3.