Removing those two elements from Team Sonic Racing was not the way to go, folks. It’s actually strange considering the fact that Sumo Digital has stated in the past that when Mario Kart 7 was revealed for 3DS, they’d already begun incorporating plane and boat races into Sonic & All-Stars and were disappointed, thinking that some fans might assume they were ripping off Nintendo. Simply put, it feels like a step backwards. I imagine that the loss of water and air races in Mario Kart would be equally disappointing. Insofar as the abandoned flying and boat racing mechanics go, they too are also sorely missing. Once beyond the obvious members of the cast like Knuckles and Amy, is there anyone out there truly clamoring to roll around as Big the Cat? Or Cubot? Okay, I’ll be honest and say that I’m one of those fans, but I know I’m not in the majority! This latter point might not be so obviously contentious, but the reality is that as much as I love Sonic and his cast of pals and enemies, there’s just not enough there to make up an entire roster of racers worth choosing from. All of the beloved Sega mascots have also been kicked to the curb.

Also, the bevy of Sega fan service is out the window, as well. The flying and boat racing segments are gone. Yet, despite all the progress Sega made with the Sonic & All-Star Racing franchise, they have elected to jettison virtually all of the different elements that made it special. It wasn’t quite at the same level as Nintendo’s Mario Kart series, but in those two installments developer Sumo Digital had shown they could produce a very respectable mascot racing game. By the time we got to Transformed, the gameplay boasted land, sea, and air racing with tight controls, vivid graphics, and some truly fun power-ups to play around with. Sonic & All-Stars Racing and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed were both very solid titles starring the Blue Blur and a litany of Sega mascots. Sonic racing was back! The only problem is that Sega seems to have forgotten all the things that made his last two racing titles so good. Heck, the trailer even had my blood pumping. I got a snazzy Team Sonic Racing car air freshener. Sega had a large, replica front end of Sonic’s blue race car for people to take photos in. The buildup to my play session was promising enough. I had high hopes for Team Sonic Racing before I finally got my hands on the game.